18, 19 & 20 Febraury | Evenementenhal Hardenberg

Mienis Waterzuivering

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Many of our innovations have been adopted by the market over the years. Jan Mienis, our company’s
founder, over 50 years ago discovered how to retain the stability of reverse osmosis applied to well water.
Nowadays this procedure is used throughout the world.
Yet, Mienis’s reverse osmosis continues to make the difference.
Over the years we gained a great deal of experience with different contaminants. We optimally use this
knowledge to provide advice about new membranes, the right pre-treatment and the right chemicals,
such as Anti-scalant. However, it is not always possible to prevent membranes from becoming
contaminated. This is why we have developed a reverse osmosis system that is able to maintain itself
through means of a Cleaning in Place (CIP) process.
Cleaning modules, such as CIP, have been in existence for some time; however, Mienis is the only supplier
that has fully automated this process. The system uses sensors to determine when a CIP needs to be
started up and carries out the cleaning process independently. The systems we ship to Africa and the
Middle East are equipped with this capability as a standard feature.
It is of course better to delay a CIP as long as possible. Most of the contamination develops when the
system is not producing. We developed a solution for this more than 50 years ago. Our systems may be
shutdown for 6 to 12 months, after which they will start up again without any problems. By contrast, the
systems of our competitors must be turned on for a short period of time every day in order to prevent the
build-up of contaminants, with unnecessary energy consumption as a consequence.


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