Stand K26 Biociden Biociden zorgen ervoor dat schadelijke of ongewenste organismen, zoals Houweling Horticulture BV
Stand H44 Biological Pest Control with the BPC-gen method Combating micro-organisms biologically with nitrogen The BPC-gen method from Presscon Engineering & Production BV
Stand C09 Boek Plantkunde Onder Glas Een plantkundeboek met vijftig plantkundige verhalen die in de Onder Glas
Stand C09 Book Plant Physiology In Greenhouses Plant physiology is alive in greenhouse horticulture. That’s not Onder Glas
Stand G02 Brillant – Energy saving glass for warm climate Brillant is a low-iron float glass treated by a Agculture by AGC
Stand J18 Bugline Anderline biological control agent contains the predatory mite, Amblyseius BIOLINE AGROSCIENCES LIMITED
Stand B24 Building and glazing greenhouses We are a specialist in building greenhouses. Big production HS Tuinbouw Service B.V
Stand B37 Burners High-quality custom burners We develop and supply efficient and AWEKA Energy Solutions
Stand H22 Cannabis Growing Systems Medical farming KG Medical can help growers and investors KG Systems B.V.
Stand C04 Carbon-negative greenhouse At KUBO, we strive for a future where horticulture KUBO Sustainable Greenhouses
Stand C16 Celine Meet Celine, a self-calibrating real-time instrument that continuously measures CE-Line BV