18, 19 & 20 Febraury | Evenementenhal Hardenberg

Greenline Food
Lensli Substrates

Greenline Food

Plants on Lensli's Greenline Food substrate are more resistant to diseases than on mineral substrates.



Various diseases occur in vegetable cultivation. In tomato cultivation, growers have to deal with Fusarium and cucumber growers are battling the cucumber spotted virus. As soon as a disease takes over, growers have to evacuate the greenhouse, which is of course not only annoying, but also costs time and money. Practice shows us that cultivation on Lensli’s Greenline Food substrate makes plants more resistant to such diseases.

Would you also like to know what Greenline Food can do for your vegetable cultivation? We are happy to share our experience and knowledge with you. Contact one of our vegetable specialists to discuss the possibilities of Greenline Food.

Just like our customers, bring fun and resilience to cultivation and experience the benefits of our Greenline Food substrate yourself.

It is not without reason that we at Lensli say: Have Fun Growing!

More information about Greenline Food can be found on our website: https://bit.ly/3IsPs5D


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