18, 19 & 20 Febraury | Evenementenhal Hardenberg

CE-Line BV

CE-Line BV

Over ons

CE-Line B.V. is establishing a breakthrough in sensor-technology.

CE-Line provides state-of-the-art analysis at laboratory quality levels but on-site! Real time, automated and inline, calibrated and reliable measurements that provide input for steering and adjustment in numerous liquid based processes.

CE-Line can enables full control of water and nutrient management.
In (hydroponic) greenhouses irrigation water is prepared by dissolving concentrated solutions of fertilizer in clean (rain) water and distributed across the growing systems. If access drain water is collected and reused, the nutrient composition is essential to know how to reach the optimal nutrient composition in the fresh irrigation water.

CE-Line measures accurate and calibrated concentrations of all individual nutrients in the irrigation and drain water. This enables optimal dosing and savings on water and nutrients, for the crop, in every growing stage, in every kind of weather, under all circumstances.





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